Logomakìa is a team of two freelance translators and interpreters whose native language is Italian. Our established professional partnership started in 1997. Since then, we’ve been offering a complete range of localisation, translation and interpreting services, guaranteeing our customers expertise, professionalism, reliability and top-of-the-range specialisation.
For nearly twenty years we have been working as freelancers in German, French and English for services in international translation agencies, corporations and private and public organisations in extremely diversified sectors. This wealth of experience has allowed us to acquire specialised language skills and achieve a high degree of specialisation.
With degrees from the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori in Forlì (University of Bologna, Forlì Campus), together we have developed considerable experience in managing and fulfilling several language assignments, both in Italy and abroad, at our headquarters, in translation agencies or directly at the customer’s.
Today, Logomakìa is well known and valued for its professional language services, and the network of foreign translation agencies we work with is ever growing, also thanks to the word-of-mouth of satisfied project managers.
Along with seriousness, skill, professionalism and punctuality, the customised service we deliver is highly appreciated: we have become established translators for various clients whose corporate language, terminological and stylistic preferences we are familiar with. The agencies we work with trust us because our texts are not anonymous translations but are respectful of the customer’s identity and satisfy their communication needs.

Elena Fogazzaro
I was born in Schio (Vicenza) on 18/02/1971. I started studying German when I was 11 years old, with several study trips to Austria and Germany. After graduating from an experimental classics/modern languages high school (languages: English, German and French), I went to England to perfect my written and spoken English, before long passing the CPE [Certificate of Proficiency in English: Cambridge University].
I was awarded my degree in Conference Interpreting (English and German) from the School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (University of Bologna, Forlì Campus) in 1998, and since 1999 I have been working as a freelance translator and interpreter, even though my work experience as interpreter for the public sector and for conferences began while I was still studying. I continued working mainly as a freelance business interpreter and translator for direct clients and for translation agencies.
As well as frequent study trips to Germany and Great Britain, after obtaining my degree I worked as a translator in Germany and Switzerland, where I lived extensively: this experience gave me an in-depth knowledge of the language culture along with the habits and customs of these countries.
My interests are travelling in Italy and the world in search of new cultures, fitness, nutritional well-being and yoga, which I both practise and teach. I adore animals and being in touch with nature. I am passionate about medicine, biology and natural sciences, a passion I have nurtured through books and inexhaustible internet resources. I enjoy reading and I’m a crossword and puzzle enthusiast.
Leonardo Pieri
I was born in Borgo San Lorenzo (Florence) on 04/07/1971. I attended the State Technical Institute for Tourism, where my passion for languages began and which I developed to the extent it has become my work. Apart from training in tourism, I also studied Art History and learned the basics of Economics and Law, subjects I later delved into at university.
In 1997 I took my degree in Conference Interpreting (English and German) at the School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (University of Bologna, Forlì Campus) and immediately started working as a freelance translator and interpreter for direct customers and translation agencies. I have been a qualified member of AITI (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) since 2004.
Along with frequent study trips to England, France and Germany, after getting my degree, I had translation jobs abroad—including long-term ones—in Germany and Switzerland in particular, which gave me an in-depth knowledge of the cultures and customs of these countries.
My interests include travelling to all corners of Italy and the world, mountain hiking, yoga and contemporary fiction in foreign languages. I like browsing the internet, finding out what’s going on in the countries for which have produced the texts I translate and learning about them through foreign online media. I love TV series in their original languages.
We never stop learning: along with constant on-the-job learning, we pursue our knowledge by reading documents on subjects that are specific to culture, science or economics, and informing ourselves about political and social news in the countries we work with. We also take training courses that are specific to translators and interpreters.
- “Deutsch für Konferenzdolmetscher – German for conference interpreters”, UniMainz – July 2003
- “Towards management culture and professional services – Quality in translation and interpreting services” – May 2009
- “Vetragsfreiheit oder: Die Unfreiheit des Übersetzers – Comparative Private German and Italian Law, between institutes and translation problems” – March 2010
- “Marketing & Branding for translators-interpreters” – June 2011
- “Problem Solving: methods and techniques” – November 2011
- “Translating for film and television: a few experiences” – December 2011
- “Conference interpreting in times of crisis: an exchange of ideas and practical advice among colleagues” – October 2012
- “SICAV, UCI, UCITS and much more: a pathway for translators in the world of asset management” – February 2014
- “Production plants for renewable energy sources” – May 2014
- “Forms of affiliation for translators and interpreters” and “Management of offshore operations” – February 2015
- “About contracts. French – Italian translation workshop” – February 2016
Translating doesn’t just mean moving a message from one language to another.
To be effective, a translation has to be adapted to the public it addresses and to the target country. Because of cultural and language differences, a targeted slogan in one language does not necessarily work in another, and sometimes not even in national variations of the same language.
For this reason, a good translator also has to have a good understanding of the culture and customs of the countries the texts come from and which they are intended for.
Several study trips abroad, e.g. within the ERASMUS programme or on private initiatives (language courses, PNDS and Cambridge Proficiency), along with long-term stays in various European countries for language services rendered on site, have allowed us to enrich our university studies and reach top level linguistic mastery and sensitivity, as well as an excellent knowledge of local markets and customs in the countries that fall into our line of work: Switzerland first and foremost, but also Germany, Austria, France, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Cultural features and diverse communication habits greatly influence interlocutors. For this reason, knowing the cultural differences and idiosyncrasies is essential for inter-cultural communication. The experience we have accrued over the years with various text types allows us to tailor our translations to each message type to ensure that its meaning has been correctly and effectively rendered into the target language. We don’t stop there: when translating into Italian, our native language, we can write and rewrite the texts to make them sound perfectly natural, perfectly understandable to the target audience, reproducing the meaning, the tone, the style of the original, and the writer’s intended communicative effect. It isn’t by chance that many translation agencies we work with choose us to translate texts that require accurate, creative handling.